Dec 29, 2023Liked by Jeff Wise

1. Can you get the Inmersat data from MH17 which was shot down over Ukraine, and cross reference the known location of MH17 with the Inmersat data to see how accurate it is? Can any discrepancy be applied to MH370 data?

2. What military assets were in the South China Sea near to MH370 last known location? Warships etc? They'd definitely have been monitoring air traffic.

3. I believe Inmersat is used for onboard phone calls from passengers. We're any calls made by passangers on that flight, when was last call made? Was there any calls in progress when it disappeared, or in the times after it's last known contact?

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Hi Andy, Great questions.

1. When Australian scientist set about using the Inmarsat data to refine their delineation of the search area, they looked at other flights that had flown similar routes, including the accident plane itself. Not MH17, though, as far as I know.

2. I don't know, but I feel pretty certain that if anyone had detected the plane they would have said so.

3. You're right, MH370 was equipped with telephones that crew and passengers could use to make satellite calls. And after the satcom was turned back on, the airline placed two incoming calls, in hopes that someone would answer. No one did--and no one placed an outgoing call.

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