We're getting into the thick of it now, as we delve into the evidence that lies at the heart of MH370's infinitely weird mystery. A week after MH370 vanished, the Malaysian Prime Minister announced that a satellite communications company called Inmarsat had recorded transmissions from the plane for another six hours after it disappeared from military radar in the Strait of Malacca. That meant that it could have flown for another 3000 miles! But where did it go? In this episode I discuss some of the reasons why MH370 probably wasn't a "ghost flight" that flew on autopilot after its flight crew became incapacitated, and I revisit the much-talked-about footage that appears to show UFOs circling and abducting an airplane.
And finally, I address one of the most frequently asked questions about the Netflix documentary: why the show gave short shrift to the woman who says she found MH370's wreckage by looking at Tomnod data.
As usual, the episode will become freely available in one week.
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